FSAPP farmer hands-on training on mushroom production

ARDC-Bajo conducted farmer’s hand-on training on Mushroom Production for Drujegang and Kana gewogs under FSAP Project at ARDC Bajo from 23rd October till 26th October, 2018. The training was provided with the aim to take up mushroom farming in the future by the farmers after this training to enhance the rural livelihood. The training covered short theory session on mushroom cultivation, autoclaving & spawn production, straw sterilization, oyster mushroom spawning and field trip to Mushroom enterprise. Besides the mushroom training the farmers were also taken around ARDC Bajo to familiarize on-station activities and also top Chimipang Royal Project.

In total 23 farmers attended the training course. The farmers showed keen interest in mushroom cultivation and they were provided with oyster mushroom spawn to kick start with backyard mushroom cultivation at the beginning. In the long run we expect that some of them will take up mushroom and spawn production on commercial scale. To make it successful, ARDC Bajo will continue supporting them with spawn, technical guidance and monitoring of mushroom activities.

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