A four-day workshop/training on Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies has started on 6th to 4th September, 2021 has started today at Professional Development Centre (PDC), Tsirang. The training objective is broadly divided into two:
- To share current Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies
- Review on available Smart Agriculture Technologies; benefits, set-backs and way-forwards
- Initiate development of Strategies and Frame works for Climate Smart Technologies developed by Agriculture Research and Development Centre (ARDC) Bajo.
The training is attended by 21 participants from ARDC Bajo, ARD Sub Centre (ARDSC) Menchhuna, representative from Chimipang Royal Project and participants from Green Climate Fund (GCF) Project Dzongkhags of the West-Central Region.
The training will highlight Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture such as climate change impact on pest and diseases incidence and crop management. The researchers will present on the different climate smart technologies and inputs developed or adapted. Biochar, rice bran bokashi, low-cost plastic line water harvesting, IPM, protected cultivation, plastic mulching, current vegetable nursery practices. Through group activities, climate change induced challenges in agriculture will be identified followed by discussion on the way-forward to solve the identified challenges.
A field visit to ARDSC-Menchhuna will be made to see some of the climate smart inputs and technologies, the end of the session.
The training is organized by ARDC Bajo, Department of Agriculture with financial support from GCF Project.