Field Crops Progress Review and Planning Workshop

The Field Crops sector of ARDC, Bajo conducted a three day in-house Progress Review and Planning Workshop from 13th march to 15th March, 2017. The main objective of workshop was to review the work progress of 2016-2017 and to develop a new workplan for the fiscal year 2017-2018. The workshop was attended by Field crops and other relevant sector (soil, plant protection and seed laboratory) staff of ARDC, Bajo, and Field Crops sector from ARDSC, Tsirang and Field crop sector from RDC-OA, Yusipang.

The workshop was chaired by Rice specialist Mr. Mahesh Ghimiray. The meeting opened with a welcome speech by the Field Crop Sector head, Ngawang Chogyel. He sought endorsement of the agenda of the workshop, which focused on progress review, annual work plan and subsequently Individual Workplan.  The chairman stressed on the need to discuss more technical issues and be professional in the deliberations. Progress Review presentations covered Rice Trials, Rice Breeding, JICA-NOP Project trials, Oil seeds, wheat trials, Out Reach Program Progress, Plant Protection related to Field Crops (electric fencing, pest and disease) and Seed Laboratory Progress and Procurement related to Field Crops.

On the second day, the participants from ARDC Bajo and ARDSC, Tsirang worked on developing workplan for the fiscal year 2017-2017 in groups and made presentations. On the third day, the staff of RDC-OA, Yusipang presented the progress of oil seeds and quinoa and other minor cereals and the new work plan was discussed.

As per the discussions and outcome, Soya bean, Quinoa, sesame and upland rice are newer crops of research interest. The house discussed that these crops should be given importance. Currently, 10 varieties of upland rice are available for research. It was discussed that the results of the Maize weed survey and surveillance should be published as a technical paper. More focus should also be given in value addition of cereals crops. Beside the workplan, the house also discussed about the FAO project on rice and oil seed improvement and diversification.

The participants agreed that the three days workshop was timely, very informative and necessary to coordinate and carry out the research work efficiently. The chairman suggested that such meetings should be held regularly in the future and include field crop staff of other research centres. He also suggested joint visits and monitoring of activities in the field

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