3rd Batch Training on Research Methodologies and Scientific Paper writing underway at ARDC-Bajo

10th -14th September 2018, ARDC-Bajo:

The Agriculture Research and Extension Division, Department of Agriculture (DoA) is conducting the third round of Training on Research Methodologies and Scientific Paper Writing for the Agriculture Officers under Department of Agriculture.  A total  of 32 Agriculture Officers from Agriculture Research and Development Centres (Bajo, Samtenling, Wengkhar & Yusipang), Central Programs (NPPC, NSSC, NMC, NSC, NPHC & AMC), and Agriculture Production Division are participating in the training.

The objectives of the training are:

  • To introduce the concept of agriculture experimentation, planning and conducting field experiments to the researchers for promotion of agriculture science
  • To transfer the art and skills of developing concept note, research proposals  and  scientific writing
  • To motivate and promote young scientist in agriculture  through  scientific  writing
  • To encourage young agriculture scientists to display their skills and knowledge to scientific community.
  • To strengthen and upgrade research quality and inculcate the culture of research and scientific writing.

The training was graced by the Director, Department of Agriculture and the fund for the training is support by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Bhutan. The training is facilitated by Specialist and Senior Researchers of DoA.

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