1.Technical support service program will consist of Soil and Land Management Section, Plant Protection Section, Research Communication Section, Organic Section, Agro-Met and Socio-Economic Section which will take up the cross cutting research and development activities in the center and region
  • Study soil nutrient status and give appropriate recommendations
  • Study pests and diseases of major crops and provide expert recommendations
  • Publish research findings, develop package of practices of major crops and maintain relevant data base of the region.
  • Support National Organic Program (NOP) and promote appropriate organic activities in the region
  • Study on value chain analysis for major crops, technology adoption, and impact study
  • Generate Agro-met data, analyze and disseminate related information; develop crop suitability information
2.Provide technical and training support as resource person upon request of other sectors or Dzongkhags
3.Provide technical support and collaborate with programs of the center
4.Prepare and submit annual work plan, budget proposal, and report.